We met our friends at the Empress for brunch. The Dim Sum was very good (except that they didn't know that ham was pork!) and I got to play with Claire and Ava. My favorite part was taking them by the hand and walking them over to the fish tank so they could see the fish swimming in the tank. They liked that but they also liked getting into and out of a basket that I suggested might be a boat. Claire got out and "swam" around the boat and got back in. I got some pictures of them with my camera phone... They are so sweet!
Everybody was very supportive at lunch and we talked about our trip, and about the long wait that 3 couples will have before they are matched. It just seems to get longer and longer, as if it wasn't long enough. I wish we could just all go and pick up our daughters right now because I am sure we would have a great time traveling together with this group of friends.
It seems like our departure date is coming up quickly and I'm trying hard to get caught up at work so that I don't leave too much to other people to clean up, and we are still packing more everyday. I think we have everything that we need ready so that we can go, except that the lap ticket for our daughter did not arrive. For some unknown reason the Post Office sent it back to the travel agency. It looks like we will have to pay $30 to have it re-issued and $10 to have it sent again by express mail. I hope they deliver it this time.
We have all the papers that our agency told us we need all in one clear plastic binder with about a dozen pockets, along with the paper I need to submit to add our daughter to my insurance. I plan to fax it back from China to HR as soon as we can along with a copy of the adoption papers (English translation version of course). I want to get her name in the system as soon as possible so that we don't run into any billing issues when we get back. We want to bring her in to a pediatrician and for evaluation at the International Adoption clinic as soon as we can.
-posted by Dan
I can just picture little Shuya in that basket with the older girls. Ava and Claire are going to teach her so many things. It's fun reliving our trip through our friends. When I see you and when I read your blog, I keep thinking, yep, I remember that. Except, you seem to be way more organized than we were before we left. I can't wait to here about your experience, but more than that I can't wait to meet your daughter.
oops, I meant 'hear' about your experience :)
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