We will go to Guangzhou a couple of days later, after we have finished all of the paperwork in Wuhan. We will stay in the White Swan Hotel http://www.whiteswanhotel.com/eng/public/index.asp. It's very expensive. Our US Consulate appointment is on May 7th and 8th.
We will go back to visit with family in Shaoxing and Huangzhou before going to Shanghai where we will spend a couple of nights before flying back on May 15th.
It's a very exciting time!
Very exciting, indeed! Does it still feel like you're waiting an eternity to meet her, or are you having those last minute jitters? Whatever you're feeling, know that we can barely contain our excitement for you.
How exciting!!! I'm sure you're just beside yourself with joy and anticipation!
Thanks so much for keeping us posted!
We are feeling both nervous excitement as well as some jitters. Getting travel organized has been time consuming as we are not going with the group because they first told us we must go through Hong Kong which costs a lot more money. Later they decided that Beijing would be the port of entry but we had already decided to go through Shanghai because we can visit her family there. Getting everything else ready in preparation also adds to the "excitement". There are so many things to take care of: mail, plants, dog, garbage, rides to and from the airport, our parents tickets, hotel reservations, flights in China, and packing. We don't really know what we should we pack for our first child - only what we've been told to pack by our agency and friends. It is so hard to have to wait almost 3 more weeks!
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