We are in the Shangri-La hotel which is very nice but our friends Yongmei and Able are staying nearby in a very nice hotel with free high-speed internet access for much less. Oh well. Next time. ;-)
I wanted to tell you about the spa and dinner but I was just too tired last night after dinner. So I'll tell you now. The spa was really cool. First I sat in the steamer for a while, then I had a nice bath, and then I had a massage that lasted more than an hour. Travel is tough on my back and I have a couple of aches, but the massage didn't really help. It felt good though!
Immediately after the spa we went to a really nice restaurant for dinner. We got a private room and had our personal server. We had a really nice Shaoxing rice wine that was lighter than most that I've had before. Jiefu explained that it was a newer refined version of the standard rice wine. The food was excellent. We had Aloe Vera, shrimp, a small fish from the sea. We had roast port butt that was fantastic. Wenguo tried to keep me from eating it but I had seconds it was soooo good. We had a small roast chicken that seemed to have been dried before it was roasted. It was delicious. We also had big fish head soup with tofu - the broth was so good I couldn't believe it. Jiefu gave me the cheek from the fish and told me this was the best part. It was good.
Water chestnut cake. Crispy fresh bamboo shoots. Once again a remarkable meal.
Wenguo's nephew Huang Huang came from his university in Huangzhou to join us for dinner. Wenguo made him translate everything for me and corrected him when he was incorrect.
The flight to Wuhan was great. Both airports were excellent. They served us a meal and good coffee on the airplane.
We will be a mother and a father in just a few hours... We are supposed to meet her tomorrow morning.
I can't believe it's less than 24 hours until you have your baby! Hope you are enjoying your last day as a couple :) I'll be checking in tomorrow in hopes you'll get a chance to post after you have her with you!
Wow, it really is going to happen! We are thinking of you constantly and building with anticipation for you next entries about meeting your daughter!
Do you have her yet? Do you have her yet? Okay, I'll be patient. No matter what happens when you first meet her, remember what Julie and, now, I say about everything getting easier and even better day by day. Those first few days are magical no matter how hard they might seem.
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